Saturday, March 24, 2012

Philosophy Wire: Memories? NOT in the brain anyway…

5498975_f260Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2012-03-24]: MIT conducted an experiment where a specific memory was stored in specific neurons. When those neurons were stimulated again, the memory was recalled [source: Nature]. Some are ready to believe that this is a “proof” that memory is stored in the brain. But wait a minute. Look carefully: this experiment only shows that if YOU force a memory to be written in specific neuron, then you can activate again those neurons to recall what you recorded. Other articles in the Internet are wrong to take the logical leap towards saying that we can now remove memories at will from the brain. Many other experiments have proved that even if a specific set of neurons seems to “store” a memory, when you remove that set of neurons then the subject CONTINUES to recall the memory! It is now common knowledge that memory is not stored ANYWHERE specific in the brain. Seeing only what you want to see is often the first step towards dogmatism…
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