Saturday, March 26, 2011

Philosophy Wire: Say NO to the Hour of Earth - TURN ON ALL LIGHTS for hypocricy to go!

Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-03-26]: The Hour of Earth has been advertized as the biggest collective event promoting ecology and the love for the environment. However Shestov always postulated that what the common logic dictates, is almost certainly wrong - since common logic has never yet solved any big problems! And he may be right once more. The Hour of Earth is a great opportunity for companies which pollute the environment all year to show hypocritically how "ecologic" they are. All it takes is to turn off the lights for one hour. The Hour of Earth is a great opportunity for people who are irresponsible for their whole lives and vote for the people who promote world pollutions all their lives, to shoe how much "responsible" they are by just turning off the lights for one hour. The Hour of Earth is the perfect opportunity for those who pollute, to make everyone feel bad about pollution as if they are ALL responsible. The Hour of Earth should be the Year of Earth - EVERY YEAR! And I cannot see the honesty of a consumer society which tells me to switch off the lights for one hour so that I can get a "ecology credential"... So tommorow, everyone let's TURN ON the lights, lets COOK FOOD in the oven and at the same time WASH OUR CLOTHES in the washer!

Relative article: Against Ecology Coercion

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...

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