Sunday, January 27, 2013

Philosophy Wire: Antigua, copy right, Port Royal…

j01-signPhilosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2013-01-27]: Antigua is seeking permission to run a website that sells music, movies and software - but ignores copyright law. [source: BBC News] Like the old era of pirates in the Caribbean, small states are always a refuge of the outlaws. And how “unlawful” is that is determined by no one else than the powerful who set the laws…
Economy is based on the protection of property. But in order to have the right for your property to be protected, some basic conditions must be met.
Should a Britney Spears song be protected by copyright laws? For me, people who download her songs should be put to jail for lack of taste. Not for copyright infringement.
Should Star Wars be protected by copyright laws? Yes. How could we have the next Star Wars if the owners of the movie do not get nothing out of the previous one? (something which does not apply to Britney Spears: who cares if we do not have new songs from that singer)
Should Harmonia Philosophica articles be protected by copyright laws? No, because I do not want to. You can buy them as a book at Amazon, but you can read them free here as well.
Should Aristotle books be protected by copyright? No, but who would quote Aristotle without mentioning him as a source?
Copyright and respect (on which the copyright is based) are EARNED, not imposed.

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