Saturday, November 10, 2012

Philosophy Wire: ISS, DTN, Information, Interpretation of Data

DTNnetwork-300x267Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2012-11-10]: The interplanetary internet has been used by an astronaut at the International Space Station (ISS) to send commands to a robot on Earth. The experimental technology, called Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN - Disruption Tolerant Networking) protocol, could be a future way to communicate with astronauts on Mars. Currently, if there is a problem when data is sent between Earth and Mars rovers, information can be lost. The DTN could offer a more robust way to send data over the vast distances. [source: BBC News] Sending the data from A to B is thought is an interesting theme. It is not actually a matter of “technology” but a matter of “perception”. The Universe is a place where Information is everywhere. Because after all, information is the result of interpreting data. And data IS everywhere you look – in the atoms, in their spin, in the temperature of a hot gas, in the way a black hole deteriorates. You just have to see it…

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