Friday, August 17, 2012

Culte de la Raison (Religion of Logic)

In 1792 the French revolted. They revolted against religion and installed a new “religion” – the Religion of Reason! (“Culte de la Raison” in French, which took place in the context of the French Revolution). The new revolution required of course – as any revolution – its toll on human blood. Many people were killed and churches destroyed. The church if St. Paul in Paris is one example.

The photos below show the results of this revolution…

The history of St. Paul church in Paris

In 1792 "logic" took control...

People died because they were not too... "logical" ?

Destruction of statues and paintings was part of the "revolution"

Reason can be too unreasonable sometimes…

PS. One can find a very good article for the Cult of Reason here – the article is unfortunately in Greek. If one tries Wikipedia for that he will just end up with some lines of text giving no information on such events (one line for the destruction of churches and NO mentioning of any deaths whatsoever!)…

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