Thursday, October 20, 2011

Philosophy Wire: Hitler who did not commit suicide and the (non) importance of truth…

5hitler-kontorPhilosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-10-20]: Two writers / researchers (Gerrard Williams and Simon Dunstan) claim in their new book (Grey Wolf: The Escape Of Adolf) that Hitler did not commit suicide but instead lived happily ever after in fascist Argentina of their time  [source: web news]. What drives our need to find out the truth? What is so important about the truth after all? After millions of people dead in a devastating World War, what the hell does it matter if Hitler died in 1945 or in 1975? Does it really MATTER? Or are we just gossip freaks?
PS. In any case (and just for… gossip reasons), would you believe that someone is dead if you knew no one had ever found his body or any related physical evidence for his death?

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